Tuesday, June 6


To my Best Friend:
I am sad for my loss, yet rejoice in your comfort and peace, which you now walk. I shed tears for a broken heart. I shed tears for never having to hold your hand, touch your face or kiss your tender lips again. I shed tears for missing laughter in our home. I shed tears for the lack of humor each day.

You are on the "red road", walking with those who have passed before you. Sharing in the joy and peace which is promised by our Creator. You are home, and I am lost. Each day is different. Some filled with comfort, others filled with fear. Uncertain as to where I should be, circling a path, which leads to nowhere... I am empty.

My childhood friend...where do I walk to from here. My companion and spouse, whom I cherish for the rest of my days. Wait for me among the eternal fire, ask the eagle to guide me to you so that I find my way in the darkness. Ask Coyote to yodel, leading me to the path with no turns. Burn the sage so that I may be lifted by the aroma to encircle your heart once again.

I miss you so! I love you Forever ! Tears never ending.