Monday, May 15

"We're off to the wizard"

Good Morning:
Well, the weekend was to say the least - horrendous. Craig now has small abbrasions that are appearing on his arms, back and hands. ??? He was up all night again talking to people that were not there and hearing noises that did not exist. So, after discussion in the early hours this a.m., we are making the choice to speak witht he doctor first before his chemo treatment.
This may be the day - that we no longer have treatments, rather call Hospice and go from there.

It saddens me that this cancer has been so insidious and vengeful. It has changed Craig into someone that neither I, the mothers, kids and friends no longer know. This is a man, who Craig does not know. He is aware to the fact that something is "wrong".

So, I will leave an update when we return around 1 p.m., We ask for your prayers for discernment in decision making today.



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