Thursday, May 11

Birthday Surprise

I woke up to the ringing of the telephone this morning, cursing at the caller, it was after all “only” 8:00 am. As I tried to dismiss this recent annoyance of mine, I knew eventually I had to get moving. For me, this meant getting up "Greet the day with prayer", asking for acceptance in whatever this day had in store for us.

No longer do we have set schedules, nor do I rush around in the morning's, ironing, showering, stopping at the local StarBucks and then head into the office.

Today, my daily routine is filled with the task of preparing Craig's medications, calling the doctor's, pharmacies, insurance companies, laundry, vacuuming and any other tasks which could rise up and need completed.

With much apprehension, I came downstairs, listened to the voice messages, and was contrite with myself in my previous annoyance.

The first voice message was from Dr. Bruce Woodworth, Craig's surgeon. He was checking in and letting us know that he had been out-of-town, recently, but that we are always in his thoughts and prayer, and would like to stop for a visit in the near future.

The second voice message was from my “dear and close friend” Gloria, singing effervescently a birthday wish, and stating that she had left a “special” cake in my front door her way to work this morning.

Much to my surprise, today is my birthday!!! I had simply forgotten. Once again I am reminded, that God does for me, what I can not do for myself, and Gloria's phone call caused me to pause, step back, take a breath and hold close this moment to celebrate LIFE!!! To cherish this gift, which I have had the joy to experience for “several” years.

Thank you Gloria for calling me this morning. To remind me that every moment of each day I have been afforded this beautiful and glorious gift...LIFE !

Happy Birthday to Me!


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